DUPR Rating Sessions
Wessen offers weekly DUPR Rating Sessions for all levels. Players can establish or improve their current rating. Twelve-minute rounds during a 90 minute session with different partners and opponents. The more matches you play, the more accurate your rating becomes. IMPORTANT: PLEASE SIGN UP FOR YOUR LEVEL – If you do not have an established rating, please do you best to place yourself in the correct day/session.
- Friday 8:00-9:30 AM: [2.75-4.0+ rating] INT/ADV
Players must have or create a FREE DUPR account prior to play. Sign up for FREE at https://mydupr.com/signup. If you need help, please contact Coleen at coleen@wessenitc.com.
- $12 members (membership required)
- Registration closes 24 hours prior to the event (check times above.)
Additional Information:
- A four-player minimum is required at close of registration. You will not be charged if the event does not meet the minimum player requirement.
- Sign-in is required at the front desk in the main tennis dome. Rotation instructions will be given before play. All scores will be recorded into the Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR) database.
- Payment will go through at 2:00 pm the day before play. If you change your mind and drop out before the registration deadline, you will not be charged. If the event does not meet the minimum 4-player threshold, you will not be charged.
IMPORTANT: Players who want to cancel their registration MUST withdraw their registration. HOW TO WITHDRAW:
1. Stop by the front desk and cancel your reservation in-person.
1. Log in to your account and click “unregister” on your profile page (right-hand side under “My Events”)
2. Email the club at info@wessenitc.com
IMPORTANT! We DO NOT unregister over the phone. This will avoid any possible miscommunication. WAIT LIST: Please sign-up for the waiting list using the link, or you can contact the club to be added. Read below to familiarize yourself with how the waiting list works…1. If a spot opens up before the close of registration, you will be automatically added to the practice. You will receive an email confirmation that you have been added to the roster. All withdrawal and refund policies are in effect once you are added.
If you have changed your mind about being on the waiting list, please EMAIL the club to be removed. REMEMBER: All withdrawal and refund policies are in effect once you are added to the practice.
If a spot opens up after the close of registration, we will call you to confirm that you are still available. You will not be automatically added.