Green Ball Summer Camp is open to current and past Green Dot students and players who are proficient in Orange Ball, Teen Beginner, or the equivalent, and are ready to move up. Summer presents an excellent opportunity to improve skills and performance. This camp offers developmental training for up-and-coming young tennis players who want to improve their skills and learn competitive tennis. Green Ball Summer Camp includes UTR match play, where students have an opportunity to compete at their level and obtain a UTR rating.
- CAMP DATES: June 3-August 29
- CAMP LOCATION: Wessen Indoor Tennis Club
- CAMP DAYS: Monday through Friday
- UTR MATCH PLAY: Friday is reserved for match play
- TIME: 3:00-5:00* PM (*Friday match play ends when matches are complete)
- FORMAT: Choose your own schedule – students may attend any of the above days.

Green Ball Summer Camp is a full-summer program. Players purchase a package of visits that can be used at anytime throughout the summer. Students may choose their own schedule with their purchased visits. Each day attended counts as one visit from your camp package.
Monday through Thursday we will focus on instruction, with technical training – swing pattern, stroke technique, footwork and ball control, and tactical training – point construction in match play.
Fridays are reserved for verified UTR match play. Campers do not have to choose their days in advance – students are welcome to show up on any day that fits into their schedule. Friday match play is important, so please plan on attending when possible.
VISITS6559_a27dab-16> | FULL PRICE6559_113e5e-65> | EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT6559_e27f8b-d6> | MULTIPLE SIBLING DISCOUNT6559_b0a3d4-aa> | EARLY BIRD + SIBLING DISCOUNT6559_3ac077-55> |
FULL SUMMER | $1,899.00 6559_6c2c2f-31> | $1,709.00 6559_b2685e-aa> | $1,709.00 6559_43475f-eb> | $1,538.00 6559_8927c0-21> |
48 VISITS 6559_0818e3-11> | $1,810.00 6559_126c08-ea> | $1,629.00 6559_e8bb5c-98> | $1,629.00 6559_dc8c7f-c1> | $1,466.00 6559_a2a2cd-05> |
24 VISITS 6559_1eb5d8-bd> | $1,200.00 6559_ea7861-9a> | $1,080.00 6559_33406d-8b> | $1,080.00 6559_fbd7a4-2e> | $972 6559_c6bfbd-a2> |
10 VISITS 6559_313e04-5e> | $650 6559_1e8bf1-4d> | $585 6559_54edd6-b9> | $585 6559_0968d4-7d> | $527 6559_180e84-71> |
ONE VISIT 6559_dab977-5d> | $95 6559_2ef4df-e7> | 6559_f1d426-78> | 6559_ad5609-b1> | 6559_1275fa-34> |
Parents and players are welcome and encouraged to attend our Summer Camp Kickoff!
5:00-7:00 PM
This is a free event with organized competitive games for the players, lots of fun prizes, pizza and refreshments. There is an information meeting for parents where we will discuss the summer camp program and answer any questions you may have. This is a free event. BONUS: Players that register for camp at the Kickoff will receive a 15% discount.
Camp registration will open on March 30, after our kick-off event. Current and former Green Dot students, graduating Orange Ball and Teen Beginner students, and those at an equivalent level are welcome to register online.
Green Ball Summer Camp players are expected to compete in Friday UTR match play over the summer months. Match play counts as one visit from your summer camp package. All players in the Camp are REQUIRED to have a UTR membership. Follow this link to register for a FREE UTR membership. UTR Match Play gives players the opportunity to develop match skills and raise their UTR rating on a weekly basis. Players receive Verified Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) credit for all matches played.