Top Flight Academy Details
Top Fight Academy is a comprehensive program that offers developmental training for up-and-coming competitive players, as well as serious training and conditioning for high-level tournament players. Our tennis professionals are players that have competed at the highest levels of the game, and they know what it takes to rise to the top of the field. Players are separated by levels in accordance with UTR ratings & individual player results. Our players win. #PlayBIG
Players must have a verified UTR rating to register for this program. This is a competitive, level-based program. Players will be separated by level on a weekly basis. Each week we adjust players on court, based on their current rating.
- LEVEL 1 [ADVANCED] UTR levels 4.0 and above.
- High-level players who are committed to the effort and training required to maximize their potential. Mental training is key to success at this level – tenacity and dedication to the game will win matches. Players are HIGHLY encouraged to attend at least twice per week. UTR match play and/or USTA/UTR tournaments are required to maintain and improve the players UTR rating. This is a program for competitive players and all students are expected to compete.
- LEVEL 2 [INTERMEDIATE] UTR levels 3.0-3.99
- Intermediate players who are committed to train and improve skills. This is the point where players need to dig deep to move up to the next skill level. Repetition and hard work will reward players with match wins. Players are HIGHLY encouraged to attend at least twice per week. UTR match play and/or USTA/UTR tournaments are required to maintain and improve the players UTR rating. This is a program for competitive players and all students are expected to compete.
- LEVEL 3 [DEVELOPMENTAL] UTR levels 1.0-2.99
- Designed to take ambitious young players from casual players to competitive players, coaches address footwork, ball control, point construction and match play. It is HIGHLY recommended that players attend at least twice per week. UTR match play and/or USTA/UTR tournaments are required to maintain a verified UTR rating, and to enhance skills that are learned during group practice. Competitive matches are the fasted way to improve.
Players that are new to the program – please call for registration information. 248-253-9300. Ask for Mimi (our Top Flight Academy Coordinator)

Choose your days. Students may choose to come on any of the four-days-per-week offered. Top Flight Academy and Top Flight Developmental programs meet Monday-Thursday, 4:30-6:30 PM. The more days-per-week that you attend, the better price-per-hour you will receive – not to mention your game will reach new heights! It is important to note, however, that days are not interchangeable, as we have a strict policy to avoid overcrowding the classes, Keep in mind that you may choose a different schedule each session, as long as there is room in the class. Currently registered students will have priority registration for the following session.
Top Flight Advanced Academy students are required compete in match play and tournaments. All players are REQUIRED to have a verified UTR rating and compete in UTR and USTA competitive events.
Top Flight Advanced Academy students receive a special discount on UTR Match Play. All players can compete in our weekly UTR Match Play for a discount rate. This is Verified UTR Match Play with results that count toward a player’s UTR rating.
Top Flight Advanced Academy students enjoy free walk-on court time.
Visit our Top Flight Academy FAQ page for frequently asked questions.
Our Top Flight Academy programs are separated into five separate 6-week sessions. We also offer “Complete Sessions” that provide an added discount and secure the day(s) for the student.
Monday-Thursday 4:30-6:30 pm
➢ FALL SESSION I: SEPT 9-OCT 20 (6 weeks)
➢ FALL SESSION II: OCT 21-DEC 1 (6 weeks)*no class on Thanksgiving, 11/28 – Thursday classes prorated
➢ WINTER SESSION I: DEC 2-JAN 26 (6 weeks)*no class 12/23-1/5
➢ WINTER SESSION II: JAN 27-MAR 9 (6 weeks)
➢ SPRING SESSION I: MAR 10-APR 19 (6 weeks)*no class on Easter Sunday, 4/20 – Sunday classes prorated
➢ SPRING SESSION II: APR 21-JUN 2 (6 weeks)*no class on Memorial Day, 5/26 – Makeup on 6/2
➢ 1st-Half COMPLETE SESSION (18 weeks): SEPT 9-JAN 26
➢ 2nd Half COMPLETE SESSION (18 weeks): JAN 27-JUN 2
*When you choose a complete session, it is not possible to amend the number of days after registration.** If there is room on another day, you can change the days of your package, however you cannot drop a day. If after the session begins, you decide to add a day, the additional day(s) will be added as a regular 6-week session.
Students must choose the days of the week that they will attend. To ensure that you can keep the same days from session-to-session, please either choose “Complete Sessions” or take advantage of priority registration and register early!
Students that register early receive an additional 10% Early Bird Discount (not included below.) Discount Info
- One-day-per-week: $470
- Two-days-per-week: $798
- Three-days-per-week: $941
- Four-days-per-week: $1000
Students that register for “Complete” sessions receive a 10% discount (included in the pricing below,) as well as the 10% Early Bird Discount when applicable (not included below.) Students have the option to split the cost into two equal payments. Please call Mimi for payment plan 248-253-9300.
- One-day-per-week: $1269
- Two-days-per-week: $2155
- Three-days-per-week: $2541
- Four-days-per-week: $2700
We offer our Complete Session discount (10%) to JV and Varsity players who cannot attend the full complete session due to their commitment to varsity team play.
- Boys Varsity Session (12 weeks): OCT 21-JAN 26
- One-day-per-week: $846
- Two-days-per-week: $1436
- Three-days-per-week: $1694
- Four-days-per-week: $1800
- Girls Varsity Session (6 weeks): JAN 27-APR 19
- One-day-per-week: $423
- Two-days-per-week: $718
- Three-days-per-week: $847
- Four-days-per-week: $900
DROP-IN students ($75 per visit) Call in advance to make sure there is room in the group. 248-253-9300. Payment is expected on, or before, day of play
Top Flight Academy players are expected to compete in match play and/or tournaments. All players in the Top Flight Academy program are REQUIRED to have a UTR profile. Follow this link to register for a FREE UTR membership. Wessen ITC offers optional UTR match play on Friday, 6:30 PM and Sunday 5:00 PM. UTR Match Play gives players the opportunity to develop match skills and raise their UTR rating on a weekly basis. It also fulfills the the Academy requirement for competitive play. Players receive Verified Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) credit for all matches played.
- Friday: Matches begin as early as 6:30 PM
- Sunday: Matches begin as early as 5:00 PM
- Discount rate of $30 for currently enrolled Top Flight Advanced Academy and Top Flight Developmental students
- Fast-four format, 2 out of 3 sets – No-ad scoring with a tie-break in lieu of 3rd set
- Guaranteed 2 matches – matches are scheduled back-to-back, when possible